What Happens When We Die?

You opened your eyes slowly, flinching at what you saw as a bright light. Of course, it wasn't as bright for the rest of us, since we had been there for a few hours, but this was your first view of the real world. You slowly opened your eyes, and your mouth, and the most pleasurable sound I have ever heard came out, your first cry.

We took care of you for the next 18 years, nurturing you and helping you become the person you wanted to be, the person that we wanted you to be. There were many arguments between us, but also many agreements. There were moments of distrust and hatred, but also moments of love. At first, you were fragile: breaking down easily at every inconvenience, but soon you began to grow stronger. You were able to think for yourself, and defend yourself when necessary. You were able to make decisions for yourself, and we knew you were ready.

You left home to find a new one. It was your time to shine. You were free to do whatever you wanted, and so you did. At first you were carefree, drinking and partying all the time, but as you got older, you got wiser, and you learned to control yourself. You became even smarter and more experienced, and you eventually graduated with a master's degree. You found a respectable job and started working. Despite your busy lifestyle, you found time for us, and you visited and kept in touch. We were very proud of you.

When your mother passed away, it was difficult for the both of us. You temporarily moved back in to keep me company. It filled my heart with warmth that you would do that for me, but unfortunately not even that was enough to refill the missing piece of my heart that had gone away.

Soon after, it was my time to go. I didn't want to leave you, but I had no choice. I saw you were upset, and I wanted to come back and comfort you and console you and tell you everything was going to be fine. But I couldn't, and I hated it. I'm sorry.

I opened my eyes, and I was in a very bright room, similar to the one you were in when you were born. But I wasn't being born. I looked down and saw that I had no body. I was simply an existence, a soul, if you will. I looked up and saw a strange being. It had a shape, and yet was shapeless. There was no way to describe it. It just was.

It spoke to me. Its voice was just as strange. I felt as if it was speaking telepathically and sending words straight to my mind.

"You must be wondering who I am. I am the afterlife. You have completed your journey on Earth. It is time for you to stay with me now."

I was speechless.

"For billions of years, you have been sent back to Earth, living life over and over again. Each time, we changed the conditions slightly to see the outcome. You are our first success. You lived the perfect life."

"So it was all an experiment?" I asked. "Humans don't mean anything more than test subjects?"

It spoke in disagreement, but explanation, "No. There are no humans. There is only you. It is you that has continuously been... reincarnated into many forms. This entire universe was made for you."

"A- All of it? So I'm the President?"

"And everyone who's worked for them."

"I'm a greedy businessman?"

"And also every single employee"

"But... why?"

It thought about how to answer. "You were one of us. This 'experiment' was your idea, and you were the volunteer. We do not know why you decided to do this. You simply told us to modify you every time you came here, and send you back. That is, until you reached your perfect form, which you did."

I started to remember, but also forget. I have to tell you before my memories are gone. They are quickly being overtaken. I think I know who I am now...